Worlds of Rage #8 US
Stéphane Degardin

47 pages. Temps de lecture estimé 35min.
2022 Edition!A lot is happening behind the scenes in the Rage Universe, and many stories are still left to be told. Most of these stories will be told in Worlds of Rage.• Serena: Serena is preparing for her trip to the Gonthor mountains, where sits an ancient temple of her god Axliom. As she doesn’t know the road to this temple, she asked the services of local guide Mark Longfellow. Before beginning her trip, Serena has to go with her new friend Orin, Mark, and his team to the Trall market, where they will find weapons, supplies… and a few surprises!• Arcana: What the heck happened last issue?! Ennis, Arlin, Lorne, and Aldaro are still trying to find out! The mirror showed them a dream of Brann’s girlfriend Aelwen at a time when they both were roughly fifteen… or did it? In the dream, Brann was his current age, and a prisoner, along with two other members of the mercenary team he joined, of a tribe of picts led by sorcerer Katonga, who seemed aware of having the exact same dream as Aelwen… but not at the same time!? Still reeling from this latest revelation, Ennis, Arlin, Lorne, and Aldaro are now going to witness what happened in the Fortress of Kahel.• The Rage Universe isn’t limited to the European Kingdom of Arthkan. Events are beginning to unfold in Kusha, the African continent of the Rage Universe, which will ultimately have an impact on the Rage Series. The origin of these events will be told in the very first Rage Strip, Curse of the Panthermen, and it all begins in a tunnel, in the diamond mines of the Bathu City. M’jala, Bwerani and Hokwui are slaves working in the mines. Outside of the mines are a little group of mercenaries led by chief Gakere, and waiting for sorcerer Asukile’s green light to take the mine. After an accident which set them free, Hokwui, possessed by Asukile, becomes the leader of a group of rebel slaves, while M’jala and Bwerani are fleeing in the tunnels. The rebels are loosing, and Gakere is angry. He needs the guards to die, and the slaves to stay in the mines. So now, Asukile is speeding up the next part of his plan. For this part, he will need a spell. And for the spell, he will need sacrifices.• Discover more Black and White and Color pages of Rage Bane of Demons, the original Rage Graphic Novel, in the Bonus Pages section!